General Data Protection Policy

Confidentiality Policy

TUV NORD Taiwan personnel are exposed to a significant amount of proprietary information regarding the clients products, facilities, organization, and procedures in the conduct of certification programs. Ensuring that this information is kept confidential is a major concern to TUV NORD Taiwan. Measures to preserve confidentiality are implemented in informing personnel and in the administrative and procedural structures of the certification systems.

The following measures are implemented:

  • The employment agreement signed by each employee contains a declaration of confidentiality of third party and company information.  Contracted certification personnel sign an agreement which includes confidentiality.
  • Confidentiality is emphasized in formal auditor training.
  • Confidential treatment of supplier processes and procedures is discussed with supplier management in the opening meeting.
  • Commitment to confidentiality is documented in the contract package. The audit plan for the audit is to contain a confidentiality statement. Clients documents submitted to and retained by TUV NORD Taiwan shall be safeguarded in storage.
  • TUV NORD Taiwan’s working documents containing information proprietary to the client shall be handled with discretion and appropriately stored.
  • Records pertaining to client certification programs are safeguarded during which access by TUV NORD Taiwan personnel is restricted.
  • Special arrangements regarding confidentiality may be submitted by the client.
  • All levels of personnel and committees are included in arrangements to assure confidentiality.
  • Confidentiality Agreement may be submitted to clients upon request.
  • Auditors agree to sign confidentiality agreements required by the clients.

Please feel free to contact us to experience our service


Room A1., 9FL., No. 333, Tung Hua S. Rd., Sec. 2
10669 Taipei City


Tel.: +886 2 2378-0578
Fax: +886 2 2378-0587